Equipment Leasing

Leasing is a powerful way to acquire equipment quickly while maintaining valuable working capital for other important business expenses. New and expanding franchises benefit greatly from our leasing programs.

Equipment Leasing Highlights

  • Approvals within 48 hours
  • Up to 100% financing
  • Preserve valuable working capital
  • Funding from $5K ‐ $5 Million
  • Terms up to 84 months
  • Fixed monthly payments
  • Low cost (e.g. $1 Buy‐Out) end‐of‐term purchase options
  • Simple documentation
  • Eliminate complex depreciation schedules

Why Lease?

Recent surveys found that 80% of U.S. businesses, from Fortune 500 to the local family business, lease some portion of their equipment. A growing business often faces the dilemma of limited cash flow and the need to add equipment. Leasing can put the equipment to work for you with real cash flow advantages and without major capital investment.

In addition, technology is changing rapidly in today’s business environment. What meets your business’ needs today may be obsolete three years from now. Leasing allows you the flexibility to maintain a competitive edge by giving you today’s best technology then allowing you to upgrade when the equipment has outlived its advantage. And if you reach the end of the lease, and want to keep your equipment, our programs give you the option to purchase for $1 or 1‐2 additional monthly payments.