Accounts Receivable Financing

Factoring is a powerful tool to get access to your cash now without waiting for outstanding receivables to be paid. In the business world, Cash is King, and Accounts Receivable Financing helps many businesses keep closer control of their cash.

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Factoring Program Highlights

  • Get paid for outstanding invoices within 24 hours
  • Accelerate up to 80% of receivables — remaining 20% once receivable is paid
  • Get cash for business growth without giving up equity
  • Eliminate administrative costs for processing invoices
  • Regain control of working capital

More on Factoring Accounts Receivable:

The Accounts Receivable Financing you receive from the factoring firm is not a loan — it is the sale of an asset. Accounts Receivable Financing puts cash in your hand without creating any obligation to repay. And having more cash on hand and fewer receivables strengthens your balance sheet. For the factoring firm, it is the creditworthiness of your customers (account debtor) that matters most — a real plus for new businesses without an established track record. Factoring firms will welcome clients that banks turn away.